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Jiangxi Alumni Association of SWUFE Established

    On June 22nd, the founding ceremony of Jiangxi Alumni Association, SWUFE was held in Nanchang. ZHANG Bangfu, the Vice President of SWUFE and the standing member of University Council, as well as about 200 alumni, and the directors from alumni affairs office and representatives of the senior teachers attended the ceremony.




    ZHANG Bangfu addressed and presented a flag to Jiangxi Alumni Association. Besides, on behalf of alma mater, he expressed sincere regards to the Jiangxi alumni and extended heartfelt gratitude to the alumni for their long-term concern and support for the development of SWUFE. He briefly introduced SWUFE’s achievements in recent years, which are closely linked with the support of alumni. He pointed out that the development level of alumni is always an important standard to measure the education quality, and the improvement of alumni works should be regarded as an important part of the university’s reform and development. The establishment of Jiangxi Alumni Association is a great and happy event in the developing process of SWUFE alumni works. He also said that SWUFE will be the harbor of all alumni all the times. No matter how high or how far alumni go, SWUFE will be always waiting and supporting, and hoped that all alumni can come back to SWUFE more often.




     LUO Ping, the chairman of Jiangxi Alumni Association, delivered a speech and expressed gratitude to the support that provided by the alma mater, the preparatory group, and other alumni associations. He said that he will make efforts to establish the Alumni Association into a place to recall the youth as well as exchange information and resources. And the Alumni Association will become an active, compliant and warm platform by big innovation.
    During the ceremony, the alumni expressed themselves freely from university life to working life and went over good times together. (Alumni Affairs Office)



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