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The Forum on Construction of Marxist Theory Discipline in New Era and Celebration of 15th Anniversary of School of Marxism Held

On June 28th, the Forum on the Construction of Marxist Theory Discipline in the New Era and Celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the School of Marxism was held in Meeting Room 105, Hongyuan Building. Experts and scholars of School of Marxism from Peking University, Wuhan University, Tongji University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Chongqing Technology and Business University as well as over a dozen neighboring universities in Sichuan province attended the events. ZHAO Dewu, the Chairman of the University Council, directors of related functional departments and schools (centers), representatives of full-time school (center) counselors, representatives of retired teachers, alumni of the School of Marxism as well as the faculty and students of SWUFE participated in the activity. The opening ceremony was presided over by MA Xiao, the Vice President for Academic Affairs.



ZHAO Dewu delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, showing heartfelt thanks and respect to all the leaders, neighboring universities, experts and scholars as well as alumni who have been supporting the development of Marxist Theory Discipline and School of Marxism of SWUFE. He summarized and reviewed the achievements of Scool of Marxism in the past 15 years after its founding. ZHAO Dewu pointed out that this conference is not only a seminar on the construction of Marxist Disciplines, but also a mobilization meeting for School of Marxism to “regroup and start again, compose a new chapter following the trend of times”. We must continue to nurture students with socialism featured with Chinese characteristics in new era, following out the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Universities, the National Education Conference, and the Teachers’ Forum on Ideological and Political Theory, and implement the decisions and plans of the 13th Party Congress of SWUFE. By re-focusing and re-energizing on strengthening our political responsibility, improving our teaching team, promoting reform and innovation, strengthening discipline construction and organization and leadership, we will run School of Marxism with heart and effort. And SWUFE will work hard to train talents who take on the task of national rejuvenation in the new era , as well as outstanding talents in finance and economics developing in an all-round way, namely, morally, intellectually, physically, artistically and diligently, who are determined to strive for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a lifetime, so that we can make greater contributions to building a high-level world-known research university with distinctive financial and economic characteristics.



LUO Shanshan, Deputy Division Chief of Office of Publicity and United Front Work, the Education Department of Sichuan Province, expressed congratulations on the convening of the forum and encouraged SWUFE to persist in clear-cut guidance and running principle of “School of Marxism should adhere to Marxist theory”, improving the quality of the construction of School of Marxism and promoting the prosperous development of philosophy and social science. CAO Ping, the Vice Chairman of University Council of Sichuan University and Dean of Marxism School, on behalf of all faculties of key universities or Marxism School in China, gave a speech, saying she hopes to take this forum and celebration as an opportunity to jointly start a new era for the development of Marxism Schools in Sichuan province and lay a solid foundation for the teaching, research, propaganda of Marxism theory and personnel training. On behalf of the alumni, LI Min, the former student of SWUFE in School of Marxism and Vice President of China West Normal University, expressed her deep gratitude to the School of Marxism and SWUFE, wishing them better and stronger.
MA Xiao stressed at the opening ceremony that School of Marxism should actively carry out the strategic deployment put forward at the 13th Party Congress of SWUFE, meeting the requirements of “taking the course of ideological and political theory as the first lesson for people cultivation, School of Marxism as the first School, the Discipline of Marxist Theory as the first Discipline”. With the strong leadership of the University Council, the care of the provincial Education Department and the support of our neighboring universities, experts and scholars, we will keep creating new prospects of the integrated development of the course, school and discipline.
After the opening ceremony, experts and scholars at the conference carried out in-depth discussions on building the discipline of Marxist theory in the new era in two stages. In the first stage, Prof. CHEN Zhanan from the School of Marxism of Peking University, the chief expert on the Marxist Theory Research and Development Project of the Central Committee, Prof. FENG Xiujun, the Dean of the School of Marxism of Central University of Finance and Economics, Young Scholars of the Yangtze River and member of the Teaching Steering Committee of the Ideological and Political Course, Prof. CHEN Dawen of Tongji University, the Deputy Director of Teaching Steering Committee of “Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis”, together with Prof. XIANG Jiuyu, the second-grade professor of Wuhan University, Vice President of the Graduate School of Ideological and Political Education and chief expert of Major Projects of National Social Science Fund, respectively made keynote speeches on the construction of the standardization of Marxist theory, the promotion of influence of Marxist theory in finance and economics universities, the condensation of the research direction of Marxist theory and the research on resolution of major theoretical and practical problems in China. In the second stage, Prof. LIU Guangfeng, the Vice Director of School of Marxism of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Prof. GONG Xianqing, the Dean of School of Marxism of Zhongnan University of Finance and Law, Prof. CHEN Zhanglin, the Vice Director of School of Marxism of Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, along with Prof. LIU Fusheng, the Vice Director of School of Marxism of Chongqing Technology and Business University delivered speeches in the following aspects: the focus on top-level system design, the reform of ideological and political course teaching and the improvement of the quality of students. (School of Marxism)



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