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A Series of Graduation-themed Education Activities Held

From June 10th to July 2nd, when the 2019 SWUFE students said farewell to their alma mater, the Student Dormitory Management Center of the Logistics Service Company organized a series of graduation-themed education activities such as “advocating labor and loving the dormitory, leaving SWUFE civilly”, encouraging graduates leaving civilly and safely, and leaving the most beautiful figure, emotion and memory at their alma mater.
"Advocating labor and loving the dormitory, leaving SWUFE civilly ". The activity advocated students to do hands-on work, which is to clean the dormitory for the last time, and to leave SWUFE civilly. And upon graduation, students shall not be neither loose nor indulgent, but reasonably arrange graduation activities, and leave SWUFE safely. When the logistics staff inspected and cleaned the graduates’ dormitory, they fully felt the morality and cuteness of SWUFE students, for most of the dormitory tables and chairs were neatly arranged and the interior was clean and tidy. This is a gift from the 2019 students left for their alma mater, intangibly presenting senior students’ outstanding style to the incoming freshmen.



"Best encounter, never farewell." Before leaving SWUFE, many graduates stopped in front of the Wugu Canteen to take photos and leave a message at the “best encounter” message board, settling the youthful years, expressing gratitude to the teachers and their alma mater, and appreciating the friendship. The students also received a letter from the dormitory conservators- "To the leaving 2019 SWUFE students". In the letter, the "dorm moms" who accompanied the students every day gave them genuine exhortations and farewell, as if sending off their own children who were about to travel far away. “Dorm moms” also advocated that the graduate students to leave a letter for the incoming freshmen, which received the graduates’ active responses. Up to July 2nd, more than 230 letters were collected. In this simple and sincere way, the graduates showed their gratitude for the four-year warm companion and hard work of the dorm moms, and they passed on the memory of SWUFE as well as gave valuable advice to their juniors.

"Meeting at the dormitory, departing with true feelings". In order to alleviate the difficulty of carrying luggage for the female students, 113 male graduates formed a volunteer team to carry luggage for more than a thousand times. This team was gathered by the Logistics Student Dormitory Center and the “dorm moms” of male dormitory. Volunteers rushed between the floors carrying huge suitcases and woven bags filled with books, and they exchanged their toil for female graduates’ easy departure, demonstrating the spirit of great love in SWUFE. And this is also the special farewell from “SWU” to "FE" at the time of graduation.
When graduates leaving, SWUFE also set up a “cooling station” in the student dormitory hall to provide drinking water, cooling ointment, heat-relieving medicine, electric fans, chairs and other items for the graduates carrying the luggage, bringing them cool and care.
"Love and best encounter at SWUFE." Hope that the 2019 graduates will take the warmth of alma mater all the way forward, with fragrancy always following them. (Logistics Service Company of SWUFE)



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