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International Exchange and Cooperation Conference Held in SWUFE

On the morning of July 19th, SWUFE held the International Exchange and Cooperation Conference in the meeting room 137 of the Tengxiang Building. More than 200 people, including ZHAO Dewu, Chairman of the University Council, ZHUO Zhi, President and Vice Chairman of the University Council, PENG Long, the member of Standing Committee of the University Council and Executive Vice President, MA Xiao, Vice Chairmen of the University Council and ZENG Daorong, Vice Chairmen of the University Council, FAN Weihong, Vice Chairman of the University Council and Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection, OU Bing, Vice Chairman of the University Council and Vice Presidents, YIN Qingshuang, Vice President for Research and International Affairs, ZHANG Bangfu, Vice President, and LI Yongqiang, Vice President, together with members of the University Council, all the middle-level cadres, principals in charge of foreign affairs in the schools (institutes), directors of foreign affairs, teacher and student representatives, attended the conference, presided over by LI Yongqiang.
The theme of the conference is to carry out socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirits of the 19th National Congress of the CPC, to implement the spirits of the National Education Congress and the 13th Party Congress of SWUFE, to accelerate and expand the opening-up of education, to implement SWUFE’s overall strategic plan, to be at the frontier of international higher education development, to build a new pattern of in-depth opening-up and operation of universities in the new era, to further enhance students’ global competency, scholars’ academic competitiveness and SWUFE’s international influence, and to strive to build an internationally renowned high-level research university with distinctive financial and economic features.

In the speech, ZHAO Dewu fully affirmed the achievements made in international exchange and cooperation in recent years and put forward requirements for future work. First, we should have a deep understanding of the strategic significance of international exchange and cooperation. We should fully realize that deepening international exchange and cooperation in the new era, improving the level of education opening-up and enhancing international influence are SWUFE’s times mission to actively serve the national strategy and the strategic self-consciousness of building world-class disciplines with Chinese characteristics to realize comprehensive opening-up and development. Second, we should grasp the right direction accurately. We need to balance the domestic and international situations, make good use of both domestic and international resources, and adhere to the principle of self-centeredness, the subjectivity of Chinese culture and the bottom-line thinking. Third, we should work hard to accelerate strategic transformation. We should take the in-depth opening- up of world-class disciplines with Chinese characteristics as the guide, driving the comprehensive opening-up and development as the core, and promote the transformation of service-oriented foreign affairs to developmental foreign affairs. Fourth, efforts should be made to improve the quality comprehensively. We should strengthen high-level cooperation with world-class resources, build internationally competitive overseas education, enhance our ability to serve China’s diplomacy, and train international talents. Fifth, efforts should be made in innovation. We should set up the thinking of “a board of chess”, insist on the integration, and build a new pattern of opening-up with SWUFE as the leading role, schools as the main body and teachers as the main force. Sixth, we should pay much attention to the implementation. According to the timetable and roadmap, we need to earnestly fulfill our responsibilities, further deepen international exchange and cooperation, and build a new pattern of in-depth opening-up and education.

ZHUO Zhi reviewed the overall situations of international exchange and cooperation in recent years, and made arrangements for the next five years. ZHUO Zhi pointed out that internationalization is the trend of the times of higher education development all over the world, is the urgent request of implementing the strategy of education opening-up, is the important fulcrum to serve the development of the nation, region and industry. On the base of equality, mutual benefit and mutual learning, SWUFE should enhance the level of international exchange and cooperation, and promote the development of an internationally renowned high-level research university with distinctive financial and economic features. According to “Opinions of SWUFE on Deepening International Exchange and Cooperation to Enhance International Influence (2019-2023)”, ZHUO Zhi made specific arrangements for the optimization of the international cooperation network, training of global competency for students, the improvement of foreign students’ cultivation quality, the training and promotion of talents for international organizations, international collaborative innovation of scientific research, promotion of talents’ international competitiveness, “One Belt and One Road” education action, promotion of international communication, cultivation of international campus culture, and improvement of international security system. He asked all the units to pay much attention to the implementation and projects construction.
When presiding over the conference, LI Yongqiang introduced “Opinions of SWUFE on Deepening International Exchange and Cooperation to Enhance International Influence (2019-2023)” and the formulation background and process of the ten construction projects. He required all the units to study hard, understand deeply and implement the spirit of this conference earnestly.
During the conference, ZHAO Jingmei, Executive Dean of School of Finance, MA Yongqiang, Dean of School of Accounting, DONG Yan, Secretary of Party General Branch of Research Institute of Economics and Management, YANG Shilei, Vice Dean of School of Business Administration, as well as YE Zuoliang, Vice Dean of School of International Business, delivered speeches on the topics of international research collaboration, international certification, foreign students’ cultivation, construction of an international business school, the training and promotion of talents for international organizations respectively. (Office of International Exchange and Cooperation)



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