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The Health Run for 94th SWUFE Anniversary successfully held

On the morning of June 3rd, 2019, on the occasion of the coming 94th SWUFE Anniversary, a Health Run Compagin was conducted in Liulin Campus. The school leaders, including ZHAO Dewu, ZHUO Zhi, PENG Long, ZENG Daorong, FAN Weihong, OU Bing, YIN Qingshuang, ZHANG Bangfu, LI Yongqiang, led the middle-level cadres, faculty, alumni representatives and some students to participate in the Health Run.
At 10:30 a.m., with the starting piston shot by ZHAO Dewu, the Chairman of the University Council, the team of Health Run departed from the main entrance of Tengxiang Building , passed by Jingshi Building and Jimin Square, and finally arrived at Tengxiang Building. The running team shaped like a dragon shuttled in the campus, which became a beautiful scenery of SWUFE. With the slogan of Regular Sport Keeps Me Healthy and Happy, everyone was full of energy and high spirit. It fully showed the vigor spirit of teachers, students as well as alumni of SWUFE.
Afterwards, more than 400 students and alumni started a mini-marathon. YANG Yuanbo, Dean of the School of Sports Science and Physical Education, fired the piston for the match. Contestants set out from the main entrance of Tengxiang Building, passed by the dormitories area of Zhu Garden and Mei Garden, H block of Yide Building and G block of Jingshi Building, then went back to the main entrance of Tengxiang Building, with a total length of 4.2 kilometers. The marathon inspired people’s passion for sports and showed the vitality of youth. LI Yongqiang, the Vice President of SWUFE, awarded certificates and prizes to the top eight males and famales in the mini-marathon. Finally, the competition came to a successful end.
The annual Health Run is not only a gift for the celebration of the university anniversary , but also a health concept spread to all teachers, students and alumni, which is if one takes exercise an hour a day, he will work healthily for 50 years and live a happily life. Besides, the people-oriented sport humane spirit of SWFUE which gives priority to health, strengthening physical exercise and striving for the benefits of people and society, will be passed down generation by generation. (The School of Sports Science and Physical Education)



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