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Flashback to 2021 SWUFE “Chinese Bridge” Program

Between February 22nd and March 12th, 2021, hosted by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education of P.R.China and undertaken by the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics(SWUFE), "Chinese Bridge" Program, themed with "Visit Chengdu Virtually, Show You around SWUFE through the History" was held in Guanghua Campus.

The opening ceremony was held ceremoniously. The classes were pleasant and enriched. And the farewell ended warmly. One hundred thirty-three international students completed their virtual trip to Chengdu and SWUFE in this particular Spring.

On the afternoon of March 12th, SWUFE representatives and guests gathered online to review the highlights during the online learning trip, which ended with a song Friends. Attendees include Prof. Ting LIANG as the Dean of CIE SWUFE, Prof. Xin WANG as the Vice Dean of CIE SWUFE, representatives from SWUFE partner universities, "Chinese Bridge" preparation group members, volunteers, and all international students.


The students were assigned into two classes: the elementary and intermediate levels. Over a two-month preparation period, the team thoroughly considered the limitations and needs of teaching in the global epidemic situation. And for the first time, the program combined the "Chinese+" language learning model, Chengdu's unique cultural experience, and multi-dimensional interaction to carefully provide students from 14 countries with excellent courses themed "Visit Chengdu Virtually, Show You around SWUFE through the History".

Using "Chinese Plus" and "Chinese Bridge" official website, WeCom app, and other platforms, SWUFE combined different online teaching methods, including real-time teaching, recording classes, online tutoring, interactive Q&A, etc. In total, SWUFE provides 25 courses, such as General Chinese, Chinese Medicine Culture, Chinese Calligraphy, Chengdu-The Ancient Shu City, Breath of Life and Sense of Modern Chengdu, Sichuan Cuisine Museum & Kung Pao Chicken, Qingcheng - A Holy Taoism Mountain, Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, One World&One Song, etc.


The participants come from 14 countries, including Greece, Israel, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Morocco, Albania, and most of them have never learned Chinese before. In the 3-week online program, the students started from Pinyin and Strokes, learned to introduce themselves and their family members in Chinese, and write their names in Chinese characters.

To help students understand and remember Chinese characters' characteristics, the Chinese teachers began with Chinese characters' origin, clearly explaining some Chinese characters' evolutions with vivid patterns.  Meanwhile, to express their love for Chinese, students exhibited their homework achievements, including recording videos, making paintings, writing Chinese characters, singing Chinese songs, etc.


The "Chinese Bridge" online program fully combines the school's financial characteristics and the advantages of "double first-class" disciplines to launch financial courses such as Business Chinese, Visit a Local Company, and SWUFE Money and Finance Museum.

The various classes also received positive feedback from the students. They shared their paper-cutting and Sichuan cuisine in the learning group and expressed their yearning for China and Chengdu in the closing ceremony.

Civilization is colorful because of communication and is diverse because of mutual learning. As a brand program of the Center for Language Education and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education of P.R.China, a series of "Chinese Bridge" programs have attracted more than 1.5 million students from more than 160 countries and regions.


The programs have played an essential role in promoting people-to-people bonds and mutual learning among nations. It is the first time for SWUFE to host the "Chinese Bridge" Program, strongly supported by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education of P.R.China.


The 2021 SWUFE "Chinese Bridge" online program is a warm, wonderful and successful exchange event between China and foreign countries, a new experience of international Chinese education, and a demonstration of the innovative practice of international education of our university in the new era.  It combines the financial characteristics of SWUFE and the Chinese language as a medium to customize a series of high-quality courses to students, aiming to promote the international communication of cultures.

(Source: College of International Education)



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