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Nationality: Pakistani

Grade 2017 student in the Ph.D. Program of Management Science and Engineering, School of Statistics

Supervisor: ZHU Nan

Award-Winning speech

When I heard that I won “the Chinese Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship”, I was very excited and happy, and immediately shared the good news with my family. I am very grateful to the SWUFE’s teachers for their help and care. Especially Professor Zhu Nan, his continuous guidance and support enable me to achieve my academic goals. I'm really proud to be a SWUFE student.  


My Story of Studying in China

I started my study journey in China in September 2016. I still remember clearly when I first arrived in China, I couldn't even say the simplest "Hello". With the help of SWUFE’s Chinese teacher and friends, I quickly mastered the daily conversation and basic communication in Chinese. In less than a year of hard work, I passed the Chinese HSK4 and entered the professional study stage.

After entering professional studies, I was lucky to be a student of Professor Zhu Nan. I am very grateful to Professor Zhu Nan for his careful guidance and strict requirements in academic research and study, as well as his care in my life for more than three years. Professor Zhu Nan did not lower the academic requirements because I was an international student, nor did he treat me differently because I was a foreigner. He was not only my academic mentor but also a guide for my growth in life. He was one of the people I trust and depend on most in China. 


In October 2018 and November 2019, I was honored to be invited to attend the 16th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis and the 14th Chinese Academy of Management Annual Conference, respectively, and presented two research reports. The two conferences were well organized. Experts from all over the world shared their research results and many breakthroughs, which made me feel the explosive power of Chinese academic research. Their professionalism, perseverance, and diligence made me understand that the rapid development of Chinese society was achieved by these academic research and talents. And all this motivated me and made me devote more attention to my research topics.

In 2019, I teamed up with Chinese students to participate in "The 10th National University Enterprise Simulation Competition" and won the first prize. Although I and other team members have different nationalities, we had a tacit understanding. With the help and guidance of the instructor, we divided the work and cooperated, used the existing knowledge system and methods to analyze and solve problems, learned new knowledge, and cultivated higher skills in the process of solving problems.


During my time in China, I have had many good memories. The pandemic in 2020 made my experience of studying abroad more unforgettable. When the pandemic just broke out, my family persuaded me to return to Pakistan as soon as possible. Although I was a little nervous at the time, I had no idea of leaving China. China is my second home, and I hope that I can stick to the fight against the pandemic with everyone here. During that period, most of us were at home. The school was very concerned about the health and safety of our international students. Teachers are trying their best to help us solve various problems. Professors and classmates often discussed the progress of learning and scientific research together online as usual. These made me more relaxed. At the same time, when I saw that China and Pakistan support each other and fight the pandemic together, I deeply believed that only the people of the world can work together to overcome the pandemic.


The study journey in SWUFE and China changed my outlook on life, gave me an unusual life experience, made me feel the development momentum of China, and also taught me to look at problems from a Chinese perspective. For many developing countries, China’s path to success is worth thinking about and learning from. I also often share my stories and experiences in China with my family and friends. Now, I have decided to continue working in China, hoping that I can contribute to the development of China and Pakistan.

(Source: College of International Education)



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