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HSK "Experiencing China's Leading Universities" Program

On April 10th, the Open Ceremony of HSK "Experiencing China's Leading Universities" Program was held online at SWUFE. Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd and Japan Youth Development Association co-hosted this particular program in which all classes are organized by the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics(SWUFE). Distinguished guests of this event are LI Peize, Chairman and General Manager of Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd,HONDA Keizo, Director of the Japan Youth Development Association, JIN Lili, UCHIDA Naomi, LI Na, and all Japanese students. SWUFE representatives LIANG Ting, Dean of College of International Education(CIE), WANG Xin, Vice Dean of CIE, program coordinators, lecturers, and student assistants also attended the opening ceremony, in which WANG Xin was the moderator. 


On behalf of Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd, General Manager LI Peize thanked all colleagues from SWUFE, Japan Youth Development Association, and Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd for their intelligence, hard work, and contributions. Chinese Testing International Co.,Ltd will provide Chinese learners with more high-quality, diversified, and personalized Chinese learning experiences through HSK services. As a world-class university with distinctive financial characteristics located in Chengdu - "the land of abundance", SWUFE will undertake the HSK "Experiencing China's Leading Universities" Program online. Hopefully, everyone will learn in relevant fields, explores Chengdu's scenery, and becomes a cultural ambassador of the friendship between China and Japan while focusing on learning Chinese.


HONDA Keizo, Director of the Japan Youth Development Association, expressed his heartfelt appreciations to Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd, which built the bridge of friendship between China and Japan, and SWUFE as the organizer of this HSK program. Combined with his love for the Three Kingdoms, he introduced the profound influence of the Three Kingdoms'culture in Japan. The start of HSK "Experiencing China's Leading Universities" Program in Chengdu made him very excited. He said that, although the COVID-19 is still a significant challenge, the online study abroad program makes everyone more confident. He believes that the COVID-19 will eventually be defeated. He also called on everyone to work together to turn the HSK Study Program's famous brand into "an exquisite artwork" in the following 4 weeks.  


Dean LIANG Ting expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd and Japan Youth Development Association. She also extended a warm welcome to all the students who participated in this program. In her speech, LIANG Ting indicated that SWUFE has cultivated many high-level professionals in finance, economics, and management during its 96-year development process and is known as the "Chinese Financial Talent Pool".  She looks forward to seeing all students' successes in their study and wishes all of them, through intensive online learning, feel the charm of learning Chinese, and be captivated by the professionalism and the enthusiasm of SWUFE staff.  


The teacher representative, HU Qianlin, explained the curriculum, attendance, and completion regulations. The Japanese student representative from SWUFE, SHIBUYA Runa, shared her experience of studying at SWUFE. Afterwards, the participants watched the video ofHighlights of SWUFE Online Program as a beginning of their 4-week HSK intensive learning, training and cultural experience.

Chinese language test takers are regarded as the major group who choose to study in China. Affected by the epidemic, overseas students cannot come to China to study, but their enthusiasms for learning Chinese is still ardent. To meet students' urgent needs to understand China and to learn the Chinese language, Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd and well-known universities in China co-launched a series of the HSK "Experiencing China's Leading Universities" Programs. So far, the series of programs have been successfully held in 5 universities, including Fudan University.

(Source: College of International Education)



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