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International Faculties Visited SWUFE’s Currency Museum and History Museum

To fulfill international faculties’ desire to gain a deeper knowledge of Chinese finance culture as well as the university’s history, the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation organized international faculties from SWUFE to visit the university's Currency Museum and History Museum on April 20th, 2021.


The Currency Museum not only collects ancient Chinese currencies, but also currencies in circulation from around the world. Guided by a student docent, foreign teachers first visited the Currency Hall, which displayed various currencies from the pre-Qin period all the way to the twenty-first century. The hall contains an extensive display of the forms and historical origins of Chinese currency from various dynasties. Everyone was engrossed in observing the exquisite collections and listening to the explanation with great interest. Occasionally, some faculties made insightful comments on the evolution of currency in China.


International faculties learnt more about the SWUFE’s development history and its unique development path, operation styles, and disciplinary characteristics formed by the vicissitudes and long-term struggle for nearly a century in SWUFE’s History Museum, which houses the university's archives, historical documents, materials, original objects, reliefs, oil paintings, and multimedia materials. SWUFE’s core spirit--"making unremitting efforts to advance the well-being of the public and the society”--has greatly boosted foreign teachers' sense of identity, pride, and cohesiveness with the university.


The visit has received unanimous praise from international faculties who have all stated that they would like to visit the museums again and again if given the chance. Through this event, foreign teachers have gained a deeper understanding of the profoundness of China's currency culture and the historical significance of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.

(Source: Office of international exchange and cooperation)



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