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The Labor Practice Training Course Launched in SWUFE’s “Farming & Learning Field”

Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal and awakening. Many trees are blossoming and early flowers are pushing through the earth. With spring much in the air, SWUFE presented the first "Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation Skills Training Course" in its “Farming & Learning Field” on campus. 


Professor Zhang Yong, a horticulture expert from Sichuan Agricultural University, was invited to give in-classroom lectures on the subjects as well as hands-on demonstrations in the field.  



Guided by the experts, SWUFE Students are learning all kinds of field skills such as digging furrows and ridging, digging soil, sowing seeds, planting seedlings and fertilizing. Lots of tasks were performed within the course, for example, transplanting seedlings, checking the crops for insects or beetles, and covering the crops with films to keep them warm. Peach trees and pear trees and crops like corn, chili, and cucumber were planted in the field.



A day in the field may be tiring and full of sweat. But for these students, they are satisfied and fulfilled at the end of the day for they gained a deeper understanding of labor and the hard-working spirit.


"Farming & Learning Field”, officially launched on the Tree Planting Day this year, is a designated practice base for SWUFE students to learn agriculture and practice the cultivation skills of vegetables and fruits on campus. It is an important initiative by SWUFE to incorporate the labor education into the education system to foster citizens with an all-round moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic grounding and hard-working spirit.


As the May Day Holiday (The International Labor Day) is celebrated, SWUFE will continue to strengthen labor education in various forms and through multiple creative channels, with the aim to cultivate students with the right view of the world, life and values and an interest in doing labor.



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