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HSK Experiencing Program’s Farewell Held Online

On May 9, 2021, HSK Experiencing China's Leading Universities Program's Farewellwas successfully held online. Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd and Japan Youth Development Association co-hosted HSK Experiencing China's Leading Universities Program. All classes and activities are organized by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE). Distinguished guests of the Farewell included LI Peize, Chairman and General Manager of Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd, HONDA Keizo, Director of Japan Youth Development Association, Japanese coordinators and Japanese students. SWUFE representatives LIANG Ting, Dean of College of International Education (CIE), WANG Xin, Vice Dean of CIE, program coordinators, and lecturers also attended this Farewell, in which all participants reviewed the beautiful moments of online learning in the past month.


Participants firstly watched the short video of the Program Review in which the teachers taught carefully, and the students practiced earnestly. Every encouraging and warm word was full of emotion. The program was highly praised and appreciated by LI Peize, Chairman and General Manager of Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd. In his address, LI expressed his gratitude to the faculties and students of SWUFE who worked so hard for this program with the words "life-giving spring breeze and rain regardless of day and night (which means the salutary influence of education)". He congratulated Japanese students who have successfully completed their studies by studying Chinese and experiencing Ba&Shu culture wholeheartedly. "The shrine hall to the Minister, where can it be found?—outside the walls of Brocade City, where the cypress tree stands dense." LI concluded his address by citing DuFu's famous poem Minister of Shu. He also sincerely invited Japanese students to Chengdu to experience ancient Shu culture and appreciate the beauty of Chinese poetry.


HONDA Keizo, Director of Japan Youth Development Association, pointed out that this program firstly attempted a teaching model that combines intensive online training on weekends and daily special exercises, which has achieved good results and was well commented on by the students. HONDA said that this online program had been shaped into an exquisite artwork, as he expected at the opening ceremony, and built a bridge for friendly exchanges between China and Japan.


LIANG Ting, Dean of CIE, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd and Japan Youth Development Association. She hoped that the three parties would carry out more in-depth and extensive exchanges and cooperation in the future. LIANG introduced a series of brand programs of Study In SWUFE and sincerely invited Japanese students to pursue studies in SWUFE.


The program coordinator issued Certificates of Completion to 37 students. Three student representatives shared their learning acquaintance and expressed their gratitude for this meaningful learning experience and the teachers' careful guidance. The Farewell ended with a group photo online, in which cherished memories and substantial harvest were recorded.


This program is the first attempt for the SWUFE team of HSK Experiencing China's Leading Universities Program to offer HSK training courses for overseas students. The students' Chinese foundation was consolidated with live weekend online classes through lectures on vocabulary, grammar, analysis of question types, and answering skills. After classes, daily special exercises and Q&A sessions effectively helped students to master HSK preparation knowledge, improve Chinese listening, speaking, reading, writing, and enhance communication and cultural understanding.

(Source: College of International Education) 



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