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International Office Held Virtual Workshop with University of Alberta

On May 20th, the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of SWUFE organized a workshop to enhance the capacity for its management personnel. Dr. John Bell, International Research Officer, Office of the Vice-President for Research and Innovation, University of Alberta, Canada, was invited to share his experience in research with the topic of "University Research and its Impact to the Regional Economy: A Case Study of the University of Alberta, Canada".

The workshop was intended for the heads of research and international affairs in SWUFE’s colleges and schools, staffs in scientific research and international affairs, and the staffs of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation. The workshop was moderated by Dr.LIANG Ting, Director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation.


Dr. John Bell is committed to building international research partnerships at the University of Alberta and managing the university's prioritized research areas as well as its global research networks. He shared his rich experience in this field through the overview of the University of Alberta, the research management structure of the University, key research areas and international research collaboration.


Dr.LIANG Ting expressed her heartfelt thanks to Dr. John Bell for his impressive talk and offered a general introduction of SWUFE's scientific research and internationalization. She hoped that the two universities could deepen cooperation and further strengthen the collaborations and exchanges in the fields of faculty exchange, student exchange and scientific research.

Since 2014, SWUFE has launched the overseas training program of "Enhancing the International Competitiveness of Management Talents", which aims at enhancing the capacity of the university’s management personnel to work in cross-cultural settings and implement SWUFE’s core strategy of "Strengthening the university by talents" and "Deep Opening up". The university has sent various batches of study groups consisting of front-line management personnel to study and exchange abroad. At present, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, SWUFE has been working to build and improve the long-term mechanism of international training for management teams, adopting the combined model of online and offline events featuring "global participation" and "Local Internationalization" with the goal to enrich and develop the training program.



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