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SWUFE Students Achieved Extraordinary Results in the 16th "Challenge Cup" Sichuan University Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition

May 22 - May 24, the finals of the 16th "Challenge Cup" Sichuan University Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition was held in Chenglong Campus of Sichuan Normal University. SWUFE won the Excellent Organization Award in this competition, and 15 projects selected and recommended to the provincial competition entered the final and won awards, including 2 first prizes, 6 second prizes and 7 third prizes.

Since its launch in March, the 2021 "challenge cup" college students' extracurricular academic science and technology works competition has received wide attention of the whole province among teachers and students, attracting 91 colleges and universities, nearly 100000 young students from the entire province. More than 13,000 entries were registered online.

The awards reflect the outstanding ability of our students in extra-curricular academic science and technology.



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