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SWUFE Team Won the 7th CNCEE Grand Prize

The finals of the 7th China National College Students Competition on Energy Economics(CNCEE) was held on May 9, 2021. China Engineering Science and Technology Knowledge Center broadcast the whole competition live, and a total of more than 54,000 audience watched the finals.

A total of 1,013 teams from 139 universities across the country signed up for the competition. After showing the presentation video and online Q&A, the panel of judges consisting of experts in energy economics graded all the teams and three works of the undergraduate teams won the Grand Prize. Xiao Xuanqi and Zhou Xinyu students from Research Institute of Economics and Management of SWUFE, under the guidance and supervision of Professor Zhang Dayong and Researcher Ji Qiang from Chinese Academy of Sciences, won the grand prize in the undergraduate group. The name of their project was “Modelling Risk Contagion in 100global Top Energy Firms: A Multilayer Network Approach”.

The team of Xiao, Xuanqi, and Zhou, Xinyu has been preparing for this competition since winter break. The team also participated the 2021 ICEF in Xiamen in April and gave a 20-minute presentation in English. The presentation was well received by the experts, and comments made by the experts were useful for further improvement of the study, which helped them in this competition.



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