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Impact Factor of SWUFE’s Financial Innovation Reached 3.985

On June 30, according to the 2021 Journal Citation Report (JCR) officially released by Clarivate Analytics, the impact factor of SWUFE’s English academic journal Financial Innovation reached 3.985 with an increase of 34% from last year’s 2.964. Sponsored by SWUFE, Financial Innovation ranked in Q1 in the field of business, finance and social science, mathematical methods. The journal is also the only economic and financial journal hosted by institutions in mainland China that entered the Q1 category.

Financial Innovation (FIN), founded in June 2015, is an open access (OA) publication sponsored by SWUFE and published by Springer Press. Since its inception, the journal has always focused on the quality of papers. It is committed to publishing relevant research papers in the financial field, especially blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things and other financial technologies. The journal adheres to the path of internationalization and selected 91 well-known and influential experts in the fields of finance, economics, and management from 24 countries and regions to form an editorial board, including 12 domestic and foreign academicians. At present, more than 200 articles have been published by the journal, with authors from 96 countries and regions around the world, and it received submissions from top universities at home and abroad, including Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia University, Cambridge University, Tsinghua University, Peking University, etc. In 2020 alone, the number of journal downloads reached 466,166 times, with an average of more than 3,000 times for each published paper.

The Journal Citation Reports® (JCR), published by Clarivate Analytics in June annually, provides multi-dimensional journal evaluation indicators for the world's most authoritative and influential academic journals. The report includes more than 20,000 journals from 113 countries on five continents, covering 254 disciplines including science, social sciences, art and humanities. Additionally, this year's JCR expanded its scope of journal literature, and the citation data comprehensively included all journals from AHCI and ESCI. The Impact Factor (Journal Impact Factor) is one of the data, which has become an important index for usefulness evaluation, visibility and academic level of journals internationally.

The increase of Financial Innovation’s impact factor indicates that the academic influence of the journal has been widely recognized worldwide. The continuous development of the journal has created a powerful starting point for the strategy of "building new liberal arts, leading new finance, and creating new advantages" in SWUFE, and has contributed to telling Chinese stories in the financial field as well as spreading voices from China.

Source: Research Office, Financial Innovation



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