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Grand Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2021

On the morning of 24th in June, colorful flags were flying in Guanghua Gymnasium. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) held a grand graduation ceremony and awarding ceremony for the class of 2021. Zhao Dewu, party secretary of SWUFE, presided over the ceremony, and Zhuo Zhi, president of SWUFE, delivered a speech at the ceremony.

The graduation ceremony began with the national flag and the school flag rising slowly in the solemn national anthem. Zhao Dewu addressed the graduates warmly while presiding over the ceremony. He hoped all of the graduates would strive for a stronger nation and shoulder the great responsibility for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and that SWUFE graduates would continue to carry forward the spirit of SWUFE, namely ‘Striving for the wellbeing of the people and society’.

With the title of ‘Drawing Wisdom and Strengths from History for the Future’, Zhuo Zhi delivered a heartfelt remarks to the Class of 2021. He pointed out that the time spent at SWUFE nurtured and shaped the students' spiritual world, laid the knowledge base, quality and ability for the future growth, and he also painted the group image of the students as credible, lovely and achievable. He stressed that in the new starting point of life, the students should learn from history and follow the "light of truth". Zhuo Zhi mentioned, “we will meet with you in the future. Your alma mater will always be behind you. We sincerely and deeply bless you, support you and wait for you! I look forward to your coming home often.”

Wei He, on behalf of the graduates, delivered a speech to his Alma mater, offering a heartfelt thanks from all the graduates of 2021. He thanked SWUFE for the nurturing and guidance by his teachers. He recalled the journey and growth at SWUFE, and determined to be a pioneer, dedicator and builder in the forefront of the times, and to contribute his strength to the more brilliant future of the motherland with his dedication and sweat.

All the graduates then held up their right fists and solemnly declared that they would inherit the spirit of SWUFE, carry forward the motto of SWUFE, remain their original aspiration, defend truth, defy difficulties, take on heavy burdens, put national interests first, go to places where the people need most, and make contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the common progress of human civilization.

Then a series of videos specially made for the graduates were played at the ceremony. "The Path of Guanghua" reviewed the course of SWUFE’s journey since its inception. "Carry the Dream Forward" presented the good wishes from faculties, alumni and classmates.

The graduation ceremony was successfully concluded with the singing of "Towards Revival".

At the end of the ceremony, the leaders of the university turned the tassel one by one and took group photos with the graduates.



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