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Symposium on Economic Growth and Social Well-being with High Quality Development and 18th Annual Conference of Chinese Women Economists

On June 12, 2021, the Symposium on Economic Growth and Social Well-being with High Quality Development and the 18th Annual Conference of Women Economists, sponsored by China Women Economic Scholars Association and SWUFE, was held in SWUFE.

Li Yongqiang, vice president of SWUFE, and Dong Xiaoyuan, co-founder of China Women Economic Scholars Association, delivered opening speeches respectively. Prof. Zhao Yaohui, professor of National School of Development at Peking University, distinguished Boya professor at Peking University, founder of China Women Economic Scholars Association, FENG Jing, professor of Economics School of Fudan University, editor-in-chief and editors of 13 journals in the field of economics, as well as more than 100 experts and scholars from various universities attended the seminar. In his opening speech, Li Yongqiang extended welcome to all the experts and scholars present at the conference.

Professor Dong Xiaoyuan said that in recent years, the number of female economists in China has been growing, and more and more women have become academic leaders in their respective disciplines. The seminar will help introduce a female perspective into economic research and make it more relevant to the well-being of people's livelihood. It is of great significance to enhance the inclusiveness and effectiveness of public policies.

After the opening ceremony, Professor Zhao Yiu-hui delivered a keynote speech on "Fertility, Women and Family". Professor Feng Jin gave a keynote speech on "Cross-price Elasticity of Medical Consumption: Analysis of the Effect of Clinics Consultation Policy". Director Ni Hongfu gave a keynote speech on "Production Network Structure, Tax Revenue Distortion and Efficiency Loss". In the afternoon, scholars set up nine sub-forums for academic discussion on nine topics, including "Finance, Innovation and Development", "New Trends and New Issues of Consumption", "Population Aging and Health", "Human Capital Promotion" and "Modernization of Social Governance".



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