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The 7th Camphor Economist Circle English Workshop Held

From September 24th to 25th, 2021, the 7th Camphor Economist Circle (CEC) English Workshop, themed “Stages, Theories, and Patterns of New Development”, was hosted by Research Institute of Economics and Management and African Studies Center at SWUFE.

Prof. DONG Yan, the Secretary of Research Institute of Economics and Management as well as the Director of African Studies Center, delivered the opening remarks. Prof. GAN Li, the Dean of Research Institute of Economics and Management as well as the Director of Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance, gave a keynote speech titled “Choices of Paths to Common Prosperity”.

About 150 articles from prominent scholars worldwide were submitted to the Workshop, of which 60 were selected by the organizing committee. As a high-level platform for academic exchange and presentation, the CEC English Workshop included articles on Economics of Public Sector, Environmental Economics, Macroeconomics, Capital Market, Urban Economics, International Economics, Cooperate Finance, Innovation Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Labor Supply, and more fields.

Together with the journal China Economic Review, the Workshop has released a special issue themed “China’s New Development Stage: Challenges and Opportunities”. Kind support from journals including Financial Innovation, The Economics of Transition, Growth and Change, and China and World Economy was acknowledged.



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