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Special Event for Career Cafe "Into the Banking Sector"

On the afternoon of October 26th, a special event--Career Cafe "Into Banking Sector" was held in B106, Jingshi Building, Liulin Campus. More than 60 students attended the activity.  Ms. Luo Danping, Deputy General Manager of Human Resources Department of Ping An Bank Chengdu Branch, served as the guest speaker.  The event was hosted by Liang Jiajing, a student from the School-Enterprise Cooperation Center, and was broadcast online simultaneously.

Before the event, Xu Lijun, Director of the Student Career Planning and Employment Guidance Center, awarded Luo Danping the appointment letter of Career Development Mentor for Students of SWUFE.  

Issuing an Appointment Letter

Luo Danping introduced the overview of Ping An Bank, human resources demand and the development trend of the banking industry.  Based on her own growth experience, Luo Danping put forward many suggestions for college students, including enriching their practical experience, improving professional knowledge and skills, and paying attention to interview details. Luo believed that sincerity, self-confidence, interpersonal skills and lifelong learning were crucial in career development.  In the exchange session, she patiently answered and analyzed questions such as "majors are not completely matched", "compensation for different degree levels", "promotion opportunities after entering the bank sector" and so on.

Interview & Communication

Group Photo

"Mock Interview" was conducted on site. Through the analysis of students' self-introduction, Luo shared the "audience effect" and interviewers' "Party A Mentality", and proposed many practical interview skills.  




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