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The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Consumer Economics Society and the 24th National Symposium on Theory and Practice of Consumer Economics Held

On November 27th, sponsored by the Consumer Economics Society, the National Social Science Foundation Excellent Association Award Subsidy Project, the National Social Science Foundation Association Theme Academic Activity Funding Project—The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Consumer Economics Society and the 24th National Symposium on Theory and Practice of Consumer Economics were held in Yangzhou. Professor Wang Yuguo, former chairman of the Consumer Economics Society and the former president of SWUFE, and Professor Yang Jirui, chairman of the Consumer Economics Society, attended the meeting.

This symposium was jointly organized by the Consumer Economics Society and Yangzhou University, using a combination of face-to-face and online methods. More than 50 experts and scholars in the field of consumer economy from more than 20 universities and research institutions including Peking University, Shandong University, Nankai University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Beijing Technology and Business University, Xiangtan University, Meituan Research Institute, etc. participated the event, and there were more than 200 people participated online. Professor Chen Yaping, Vice President of Yangzhou University, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech, and Professor Yang Jirui delivered a speech on behalf of the society. During the meeting, the 2021 Council of Consumer Economics Society and Member Representative Conference were also held.

Experts attending the symposium conducted in-depth exchanges closely around the theme of the seminar "Consumption Changes and Development of Consumption Power of Chinese Residents in the Past 100 Years". Professor Wang Yuguo, Professor Yang Jirui, and Professor Mao Zhonggen, Vice Chairman of the Consumer Economics Society, delivered keynote speeches on "Important Issues in Current Consumer Economic Research", "Political Economics Should Pay Attention to Research on Consumer Relations", and "Common Prosperity from the Perspective of Consumerism" respectively. Professor Zhang Enbi, Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the Consumer Economics Society, served as the moderator of the theme forum.

The Consumer Economics Society is a national first-level society of social science academic associations. It is also the "Key Contact National Social Science Academic Association" identified by the National Social Science Foundation. The society has been awarded the National Social Science Foundation Excellent Association Subsidies and the National Social Science Foundation Association Thematic Academic Activity Funding in 2020 and 2021. SWUFE is the main founder of the society, and the standing secretariat of the society is also located at SWUFE.



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