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International Conference on Global Higher Education Institutions' Response Strategies in the Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic Held Successfully

On November 20, the International Conference on Global Higher Education Institutions' Response Strategies in the Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic, organized by School of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration (SBA, FBA) and Office of International Exchange and Cooperation (Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs, OIEC), Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), was held successfully. Nearly 200 experts and scholars from more than 70 higher education institutions around the world participated in this online conference. Professor Zhou Mingshan, Dean of Graduate School of SWUFE, Associate Professor Liang Ting, Director of OIEC, Professor Wang Xin, Deputy Director of OIEC, Professor Kou Gang, Executive Dean of SBA, FBA, and Professor Tang Mingfeng and Professor Liao Yi, Assistant Dean of SBA, presided over the conference.

The conference consisted of 1 main conference and 4 sessions and a total of 15 impressive speeches were delivered in nearly 14 hours. Professor Gang Kou, Professor Matthew Kinservik, Vice Provost of University of Delaware, Professor Lin Danming, Vice Chancellor of Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Professor Mammo Muchie, Academician of the South African Academy of Sciences, and experts including Professor Rene Carraz and Professor Hajime Imamura from Toyo University, Professor Bernard Wong-On-Wing from Washington State University, Professor Wu Wenying from Beijing University of Technology, Professor Angathevar Baskaran from University of Malaya, Professor Zhang Bohui from Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Professor Yu Peiwen from Chongqing University, Professor Huo Weidong from Liaoning University, Ms Desi Schmitt from Audencia Business School, Ms Anne Gillet from University of Liege, Professor Hans-Peter Burghof from University of Hohenheim, Professor Lyu Kangjuan from Shanghai University, and Professor Shi Da from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics gave speeches on their institution’s strategies or innovative models in teaching, scientific research, internationalization, and social services in the midst of coronavirus pandemic in different sessions.

Communication and cooperation for mutual benefit is in dare need in the midst of the COVID-19. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, global colleges and universities have been facing severe challenges in teaching, international exchanges and cooperation, and social services etc. This conference provided a new platform for global higher education institutions, and the best practices and new horizons in education, research and social services for the participants at home and abroad.



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