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A Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Agreement Signed between SWUFE and Sichuan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau

On December 8th, Chen Yulin, Director of Sichuan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Zhou Weijiang, Deputy director of Sichuan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau and other 7 delegates visited SWUFE and signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with SWUFE. Zhao Dewu, Chairman of the University Council, Zhuo Zhi, president of SWUFE, Yin Qingshuang, vice president of SWUFE, and heads of relevant offices attended the meeting and signing ceremony. 


Zhao Dewu extended warm welcome to Chen Yulin and his delegation. He also expressed his sincere gratitude to Sichuan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau for its support to SWUFE. He introduced SWUFE's history and disciplinary characteristics over the past 96 years, explained the strategic considerations of "modernization, high quality, new finance, double first-class" and the strategic priorities of "innovation, talent, digitalization, reform, opening up and culture" at the new stage of development, and had an in-depth exchange of ideas and explorations on the recent development of SWUFE from four aspects of the strategic objectives, strategic focus, strategic implementation, and strategic assurance.

Zhuo Zhi reviewed the achievements made in the cooperation with Sichuan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau to build a clean financial education base in recent years, and looked forward to further deepening the cooperation in the training of financial executives, serving major national strategies and local economic policies.  He said that SWUFE will do a good job in the implementation of the agreement, strive to pursue positive outcomes and build the university-local cooperation as a role model.

Chen Yulin thanked SWUFE for providing a large number of excellent talents to the industry for a long time and highly affirmed the achievements of cooperation between the two sides. He expressed hope that the two sides would continue to give full play to their advantages in economy, finance, information, technology, talent and resources on the basis of previous achievements, further deepen exchanges and strengthen cooperation, strive to build a clean financial education brand, help students take their first steps in life, and constantly promote the development of the industry.


Subsequently, witnessed by Chen Yulin, Zhao Dewu and Zhuo Zhi, Yin Qingshuang and Zhou Weijiang signed a formal agreement on behalf of both sides to establish a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. The two sides will deepen cooperation in organizing financial academic symposiums, strengthening information exchange of the industry, deepening industry-university-research cooperation, exchanging part-time professors and experts, and jointly training high-level talents. Both sides will also share high quality, efficient, safe data research products, operations, finance, research and consulting, research achievements, etc.  



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