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Special Event of Career Cafe “Into Accounting Firms”

On the afternoon of December 4th, a special event--Career Cafe "Into Accounting Firms" was held in B104, Jingshi Building, Liulin Campus. More than 30 students attended the event. Two alumni of SWUFE were invited as the guest speakers. They were Ms. Fang Chen, Senior Consultant of Tax and Business at Ernst & Young China, and Mr. Xie Jinjun, Senior Associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhongtian LLP. The event was hosted by Zhang Jiacong, a student from the School-Enterprise Cooperation Center, and was broadcast online simultaneously.

Fang and Xie introduced the overview of the development trend, corporate culture, and major responsibilities of accounting firms. Based on their own experiences, they made an overall introduction of the prospective and talent demand in the industry of tax consultation and audit. Fang talked about CPA Exam at the national and personal level, confident in the industry’s demand of inter-disciplinary talents and its future. And Xie shared the gains and experiences in his career, highlighting the significance of learning capacity and teamwork. The guests encouraged the audience to find their individual career path through both “trial and error” in multiple internships and their own expectations.


In the Q&A session, the guests and students delved into topics like “education and skill requirements of accounting firms”, “the intercity work experience of the big four accounting firms”, “how to get the internships in accounting firms”, “the salary and promotion systems of accounting firms”, etc.



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