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2022 International Workshop on Financial Innovation and the First Award Ceremony of Financial Innovation Held

On June 2, the 2022 International Workshop on Financial Innovation and the 1st award ceremony of Financial Innovation, hosted by the editorial department of Financial Innovation of SWUFE, were held via internet. Experts and scholars from China, United States, France, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Lebanon, and other countries gathered together to discuss related topics such as blockchain, Metaverse, fintech, and the prevention and control of covid-19. Professor Zhuo Zhi, President of SWUFE, and Professor Yin Qingshuang, Vice President of SWUFE, attended this event.

In his opening speech, Zhuo Zhi mentioned a series of achievements under the guidance of the SWUFE's strategy of "building new liberal arts, leading new finance and economics, and creating new advantages". Financial Innovation, as the first international journal of SWUFE, is an important pillar for the SWUFE's "new finance and economics" strategy and the "double first-class" construction. As the editor-in-chief of the journal, Zhuo Zhi fully acknowledged the progress made by the journal and put forward ardent expectations for its future development.

In the keynote speech session, Noyan Ilk, associate professor from Florida State University gave a speech titled "The Transaction Fee Market of Cryptocurrency"; Professor Zhiqiang Zheng from the University of Texas at Dallas introduced the role of traders' analytical ability in improving information transparency and market efficiency in the blockchain market; Professor Zhang Bohui of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) introduced the use of cash under the covid-19 and the long-term impact of the epidemic on the use of cash; Associate Professor Li Dan of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) explained how to prevent information from being leaked from securities brokers; Associate Professor Chen Hailiang from the University of Hong Kong, introduced the development of non-fungible currency within the context of the most popular non-fungible currency (NFT) in the current Metaverse; Professor Zhang Wen from Beijing University of Technology introduced prediction of small business credit risk in supply chain finance.

At the award ceremony in the afternoon, Yin Qingshuang introduced the recent development of the journal and expressed warm congratulations to the award-winning scholars. Dr. Han Jia, Journal Publishing Manager of Springer Nature Group, shared publishers’ role in supporting the development of journals. Three awards were presented at the ceremony, namely "Best Paper", "Best Editorial Board Member" and "Best Contributor", and three scholars from Pakistan, Lebanon, and Turkey won those awards.

The International Workshop on Financial Innovation has been held for 8 consecutive years since 2015. The workshop has provided a high-end academic exchange platform for domestic and foreign experts and scholars, and played an important role in improving the academic reputation of SWUFE and building a leading discourse system for financial academic studies.




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