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The 2022 Graduation Ceremony Held


On June 10, the 2022 Graduation Ceremony was grandly held at the Liulin campus and Guanghua campus. Party Secretary Zhao Dewu, President Zhuo Zhi, Deputy Party Secretary Ma Xiao, and Zeng Daorong, Deputy Party Secretary and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee Fan Weihong, Standing Member of Party Committee and Vice President Ou Bing, Yin Qingshuang, Shi Daimin, Zhang Bangfu, Li Yongqiang, the heads of relevant academic units and functional offices, faculty representatives, parents representatives, and graduates attended the ceremony.


The ceremony began with the anthem of SWUFE which reflected the deep affection of graduates to their alma mater; with the background music "I have an appointment with 2035", the flag-bearers entered the venue waving flags.


With the national anthem, the five-star red flag and the school flag of SWUFE were raised, and the graduation ceremony officially began.


When hosting the ceremony, Zhao Dewu recalled the paths taken by the university to pursue excellence and serve the country through education over the past 97 years. He told the graduates, “no matter where you are, your alma mater will always be your harbor and offer you strong support!" Zhao Dewu put forward three wishes to the graduates: First, they shall strengthen their beliefs, and lead their lives with firm ideals and beliefs. Second, they shallshoulder responsibilities and achieve one’s dream with unremitting efforts. Graduates need to actively devote themselves to the grand undertakings of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Third, they shall develop skills and realize one’s value in life with excellent skills and abilities. It is essential to firmly establish the belief that dreams begin with hard work, and accomplishments are made through competence. 


Zhuo Zhi expressed a farewell message to the class of 2022 with the title "Following the Light and Going Forward". First, he extended warm congratulations to the graduates who have completed their studies, and sincere thanks to the faculties. Afterward, Zhuo Zhi mentioned that the bright prospect of great rejuvenation and the grand journey of building a great modern country will depend on the young people. Zhuo Zhi put forward three wishes to the students: First, they shall stay true to their original aspirations, and pursue a bigger purpose in life. It is essential to integrate personal goals into the "big blueprint" of the country. Second, they shall be brave to explore and make a difference. Graduates need to change with the times and apply what they have learned to practice. Third, they shall be strong and brave. Graduates need to strive and dedicate themselves to their respective positions and work hard with wisdom to create a better future. 



Li Yongqiang, vice chairman of the SWUFE's degree evaluation committee, announced the decision to confer degrees, and Zeng Daorong announced the decision to commend the outstanding graduates of the Class of 2022, the 2022 Guanghua Award winners for outstanding master's thesis, and the 2022 graduates' grassroots employment and self-employment awards. University leaders conferred degree certificates, graduation certificates, and double-degree certificates to graduate representatives, as well as certificates and reward for award-winning graduate representatives.


Zheng Songyi, a representative of the graduates, made a speech and shared with the audience the days of the 2022 graduates studying at SWUFE. He thanked faculties for their guidance and promised that he would always encourage himself with the SWUFE’s motto of making unremitting efforts to advance the well-being of the public, and bravely undertaking the great task of national rejuvenation.





Afterward, the graduate representatives presented flowers to the university leaders, teachers, counselors, and management staff representatives, expressing their gratitude and sincere blessings to their alma mater.




All the graduates then raised their right fists and vowed: We will inherit and carry forward the spirit of SWUFE, and never forget the original aspiration, defend the truth, bear responsibility bravely, put the interests of the country first, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the progress of human civilization.

A series of videos crafted for the graduates was played at the ceremony. All teachers and students reviewed SWUFE's 97 years of ups and downs in "Road to Endeavour". Yet the university still sticks to the original aspirations, and adheres to the struggle process of serving the country with education, forging ahead in unity, and pursuing excellence. In "The Years of SWUFE", the past time spent on learning and pursuing true knowledge in the Guanghua Garden and on the banks of the Willow Lake was recalled. In "Walking with Dreams", blessings from teachers, classmates, parents, and relatives were shown to graduates. Scenes of warm memories and familiar figures appeared constantly. Laughter and tears, warmth and emotion, flowers and applause filled every corner of the scene.




All the university leaders turned the tassel for each graduate and took photos with them. The Class of 2022 of SWUFE is about to embark on a new journey and unveil a new chapter of their lives.



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