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SWUFE Held a Grand Opening Ceremony for the 4th Global Academy


SWUFE held a grand opening ceremony for the 4th Global Academy in the auditorium of the Hongyuan Building on the Liulin Campus on June 26. 204 international teachers and student representatives of 34 universities from 32 countries and regions participated in the event together with teachers and students of SWUFE. University Council Chairman Zhao Dewu, President Zhuo Zhi, Vice President Li Yongqiang, and heads of relevant offices of SWUFE attended the Opening Ceremony. Zhao Dewu and Zhuo Zhi jointly unveiled the 4th SWUFE Global Academy.


At the opening ceremony, Zhuo Zhi delivered a speech on behalf of SWUFE, welcoming teachers and students worldwide. He pointed out that SWUFE has always been taking “in-depth opening” as one of the four core strategies and striving to promote the opening-up of high-level education in the process of building a world-class university with distinctive financial and economic characteristics. In 2018, SWUFE held the 1st Global Academy and received wide attention and acknowledgment for its advanced high-level courses and rich cultural experience. It is hoped that the 4th Global Academy can let everyone appreciate the broad and profound Chinese culture, have a taste of the rich and colorful world culture, feel the pace of opening up and development of SWUFE, and experience the mutual learning and integration between different culture and that international student representatives and SWUFE students would explore the academic frontier, inspire innovative thinking, experience traditional and modern Chinese culture, and gain friendship and growth in the next two weeks.


On behalf of SWUFE, Li Yongqiang presented the Flag of SWUFE Global Academy to Yasmin Bermudez, an international faculty representative from ESIC Business School in Spain.




International faculty representative, international student representative, and student representative of SWUFE made speeches to express their congratulations and expectations for SWUFE Global Academy.

During the Sino-foreign joint performance, the outstanding martial arts, dynamic street dance, featured Sichuan opera, and dynamic cheerleading performance won bursts of applause and highlighted the open, inclusive, diverse, and friendly campus atmosphere. The event ended perfectly in the warm chorus of Chinese and foreign students, “Wings of the City.”

SWUFE Global Academy takes “Feeling Chinese Culture and Witnessing the Growth of SWUFE” as its starting point. It aims to help young people worldwide have a deeper understanding of the developing world and China and support international education cooperation and innovation. At the same time, the participation of global teachers and students also creates a solid international atmosphere for SWUFE. The Global Academy is not only the first large-scale international event carried out by SWUFE after the epidemic but also an essential measure for SWUFE to fully recover from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, comprehensively strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, strive to enhance international communication and leadership, show China’s good practices, and promote SWUFE. In the two weeks of SWUFE Global Academy, colorful academic and cultural activities will be carried out. International student representatives will interact with students of SWUFE and enjoy the feast of knowledge and culture.



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