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SWUFE Delegation Visited Hong Kong


From September 4th to September 7th, Li Zhisheng, Vice President of SWUFE, was invited to attend the “Forum on Integrated Development of Education, Technology, and Talents in Universities of Sichuan, Hong Kong and Macau” held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. During the period, the delegation visited Lingnan University, Hong Kong Baptist University, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and other institutions, and discussed with the alumni representatives of SWUFE Hong Kong Alumni Association. Relevant personnel from the President’s Office and the Office of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Affairs of SWUFE were part of the delegation.


The “Forum on Integrated Development of Education, Technology, and Talents in Universities of Sichuan, Hong Kong, and Macau” was organized by Sichuan University. The attendees include universities in Sichuan, Hong Kong, and Macau, such as the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Southwest Jiaotong University, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the University of Macau, and Macau University of Science and Technology. The experts and scholars had in-depth discussions on the three topics: “How can the universities in Sichuan, Hong Kong and Macau enhance international influence and promote the construction of world-class universities and first-class disciplines?” “How can the universities in Sichuan, Hong Kong and Macau cultivate students’ global competence and build a center of important talents in the world cooperatively?” and “How can the universities in Sichuan, Hong Kong, and Macau integrate into the global scientific and technological innovation network and serve the Chinese modernization” at the meeting. In his keynote speech, Li Zhisheng briefly introduced the development and achievements of SWUFE in recent years, focusing on the promotion and implementation of the “New Finance” strategy and the financial and technological innovation of SWUFE. He said that the development of higher education and economic and technological innovation was inseparable from opening up and cooperation. SWUFE was willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the participant universities, work together for the development of colleges and universities in Sichuan, Hong Kong, and Macau, and make joint efforts with them to achieve and contribute more on the journey of building a scientific and technological power ahead in the new era.


On the morning of September 5th, Li Zhisheng visited the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R. and held talks with Zhang Zhihua (Head of the Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office). He said that SWUFE attached great importance to the cooperation and exchange with Hong Kong, actively served the national strategy, and hoped to strengthen cooperation with the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R. in the future, enhance the exchanges between young students and teachers of the two sides, helping Hong Kong youth integrate into the development of the motherland, and make more significant contributions to promoting the integrated development of education in Sichuan, Hong Kong, and Macau.


During his stay in Hong Kong, Li Zhisheng and his delegation visited Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Lingnan University, and other universities, held talks with Mo Jiahao (Vice President of Hong Kong Lingnan University), and exchanged ideas with them on talent training, project cooperation and cooperative education in depth. Li Zhisheng expressed the hope that the exchanges and cooperation with Hong Kong universities could be deepened, full play could be given to the advantages of each college and university, and the cooperation in advantageous fields of discipline could be expanded.


Li Zhisheng and his delegation visited Ba Shusong, Managing Director and China Chief Economist of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. He introduced the history and the latest progress of comprehensively promoting the upgrading of the “New Finance” strategy of SWUFE, thanked Professor Ba Shusong for his continuous support for developing SWUFE’s education, and invited him to come to SWUFE to give lectures.


Li Zhisheng also visited the Hong Kong Alumni Association, communicated with the alumni representatives there, introduced the new achievements, developments, and preparations made by SWUFE for the centennial anniversary, listened carefully to their insights on the development of SWUFE, and expected them to participate in preparation for the centennial anniversary of SWUFE actively, continuously support the development of various undertakings of SWUFE, and play an active role in promoting the exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.



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