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Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Undergoes On-Site Reaccreditation for Quality of Higher Education for International Students

From May 16 to 17, an expert panel led by Mr. Zong Wa, former Deputy Secretary-General of the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), conducted an on-site review of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics' (SWUFE) higher education quality for its international students. The meeting was attended by Party Secretary Zhao Jianjun, who warmly welcomed the delegation, along with Deputy Party Secretary and President Li Yongqiang, Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee and Vice President Li Zhisheng, and other university leaders.


Zhao Jianjun emphasized that President Xi Jinping's remarks on building an educational powerhouse have charted a clear path for universities' international student education. He underscored the significance of the accreditation process as a pivotal tool to assess and improve the education provided to international students, aligning with SWUFE's commitment to enhance its systems and achieve high-quality development in this area.



Li Yongqiang highlighted the role of international student education in boosting China's global educational influence and modernizing its education system. He committed SWUFE to leveraging its strengths in finance and economics to create a distinctive "Study at SWUFE" brand under the "Study in China" umbrella, contributing to national strategies and enhancing international competitiveness.



Zong Wa outlined the reaccreditation framework, commending SWUFE's efforts in international education. He explained that the CEAIE, as a third party under the accreditation committee's mandate, aims to elevate the standard of international student education and promote the "Study in China" initiative.

The review process comprised interviews with faculty and students, document reviews, classroom observations, and site inspections. Han Weichun, on behalf of the expert panel, lauded SWUFE's achievements but also offered suggestions for improvements in areas such as institutional mechanisms, policy frameworks, enrollment strategies, curriculum design, record management, and faculty development.




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