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SWUFE Launches Campus Run in Celebration of its 99th Anniversary

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) recently held a campus run event to mark its 99th anniversary. Approximately 400 participants, including university leaders, middle management representatives, retired faculty, students, and alumni, took part in the event across both campuses.


At the start line in front of the Kwang Hua Archway on the Liulin Campus, SWUFE students sang the Kwang Hua University anthem, echoing the university's 99-year legacy of unwavering dedication to education and national prosperity. The route from Kwang Hua Archway to the North Gate symbolized the institution's journey from the banks of the Huangpu River to its current location in Chengdu, highlighting its historical milestones.


As the run began with a start signal from Zhao Jianjun, chairman of the university council, participants proceeded along the path, passing significant landmarks such as the Jimin Square, where they chanted slogans expressing their commitment to the nation and their determination to excel in the new century.

Surrounding the Jimin Square, the tune of "Me and My Country" filled the air, evoking a deep sense of patriotism among the participants. The event also featured a lively performance near the Jingshi Building, with youthful energy and enthusiasm, symbolizing the university's readiness to embrace its centenary celebrations.

The Campus Run, part of the series of events marking the one-year countdown to SWUFE's 100th anniversary, aimed to foster a sense of unity and motivation among the university community. By combining physical activity with historical reflection, the event aimed to instill a spirit of pride and progress, preparing the university for its upcoming milestone with a resolute and enthusiastic attitude.


Following the Campus Run, a 6.3-kilometer mini-marathon was held to commemorate the 99th anniversary of the university's establishment.



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