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SWUFE Representatives Attend 2024 AACSB Asia-Pacific Accreditation Annual Meeting and Award Ceremony

The 2024 AACSB Asia-Pacific Accreditation Annual Meeting took place from June 5th to 7th in Indonesia, attracting over 300 representatives from higher education institutions across 21 countries and regions. Representing the School of Accounting (SOA) at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), Deputy Dean Yi Yang and Dean's Assistant Wu Yingjie attended the conference.


During the event, Geoff Perry, AACSB Executive Vice President and Chief Membership Officer for the Asia-Pacific region, and Stephanie Bryant, Executive Vice President and Chief Accreditation Officer for the Americas, presented certificates to institutions that achieved or maintained accreditation in 2023. Yi Yang and Wu Yingjie received the AACSB Maintenance of Accreditation Certificate for both business and accounting on behalf of the School of Accounting at SWUFE.


The conference focused on themes of leadership, the technical standards of accreditation, the synergy between international and domestic standards, and the impact of new technologies and artificial intelligence on society. Perry and Bryant emphasized the importance of business education and the value of continuous accreditation in an uncertain future.

The SOA representatives actively participated in various exchange activities, engaging in in-depth discussions with peers from business schools in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, sharing experiences in educational innovation and international cooperation.


Maintaining AACSB accreditation in both business and accounting is a significant international recognition of the school's educational quality. It reflects SOA's ongoing efforts in academic innovation and international cooperation. The school will continue to actively participate in global exchanges and cooperation, continuously improving the quality of education and contributing to the cultivation of business talents with an international perspective.



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