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Academic Lecture:I Love London: An exploration of the declaration of love towards a destination on Instagram

TopicI Love London: An exploration of the declaration of love towards a destination on Instagram

SpeakerRaffaele Filieri, Professor, Audencia Business School

TimeMay 23, 2022 (Monday) 16:00-17:00

Virtual PlatformTencent Meeting ID 147-202-503  

OrganizersSchool of Business Administration, Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, Research Office

Speaker’s Profile:

Raffaele Filieri (Ph.D.) is Professor of Digital Marketing in the Marketing Department at Audencia Business School, Nantes, France. Dr. Filieri is the Associate Editor of Journal of Business Research, European Management Review, Spanish Journal of Marketing, and sits in the editorial boards of several journals such as Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Internet Research, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, Tourism Review, and many more.

Raffaele has published 50+ research papers in 33 different journals, including Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospital.

Lecture Preview

Travellers increasingly use a combination of photographs, texts and hashtags to express their attitude toward tourism destinations (TDs). Existing destination branding literature has not yet investigated how consumers express their love towards TDs on social media. This study addresses this knowledge gap and explores how destination brand love (DBL) is expressed on Instagram using a mixed-methods approach. Study one consists of a qualitative visual content analysis of 700 user-generated photographs; while study two adopts text analytics with a sample of 48,783 posts. The findings show Instagram users’ declaration of DBL is expressed through photographs of some destination attributes (natural & architectural, people, public transportation, food, weather), accompanied by specific positive emotions (amazement, attractiveness, pleasure, preference, enchantment, nostalgia, belongingness, intimacy). The findings also illustrate how Instagram users express their love by providing emotional support when the destination goes through a crisis and that different stakeholders co-create the emotional capital of TDs.



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