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Academic Lecture: Publishing in International Journals

Speaker: Prof. Yingfang LI, Monash University

Time: 15:00-16:30 , May 25, 2021

Virtual Platform: Zoom Meeting  (ID 862 0063 8392 Password: 272890)

Organizers: School of International Business, Research Office

Speaker's Profile

Professor Yingfang Li (PhD from University of Manchester) is currently a Distinguished Professor and associate dean of Monash Business School; Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences. She used to be a professor at the University of Manchester Business School in the UK and associate dean of the School of Management at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia. Her research interests include Asian human resource management and labor relations, gender studies, diversity management, strategic human resource management, knowledge management and innovation, outsourcing, Chinese foreign direct investment, and employment of Chinese immigrants.

Lecture Preview

In this presentation, Professor Fang Lee Cooke will talk about some of the latest development in the international business and management field and research opportunities for Chinese scholars. She will also provide examples of common reasons for papers being desk rejected by journals, and share experience on how to improve the chance of having the paper accepted.



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