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Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Centennial Anniversary Announcement (First Statement)

A century of harmonious melodies, fragrant with achievements, from the Huangpu River to the Huanhua Stream, the torch of knowledge passed on through generations. On June 3, 2025, the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) will celebrate its 100th anniversary. We extend our heartfelt gratitude and highest respect to all levels of leadership, friends from all walks of life, alumni both at home and abroad, and all faculty members and students who have consistently supported and contributed to the development of SWUFE.

Radiant with time, the academic heritage endures. In 1925, hundreds of patriotic teachers and students in Shanghai established Kwang Hua University amid support for the May Thirtieth Movement. In 1938, due to the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Kwang Hua University relocated to Chengdu, establishing a branch campus near Du Fu's Thatched Cottage. From 1952 to 1953, seventeen institutions and financial departments in southwest China merged to form the Sichuan College of Finance and Economics, becoming one of the four undergraduate finance and economics institutions established by the new China following its regional planning. In 1979, the institution was placed under the administration of the People's Bank of China, thereby forming unique connections to the financial sector and disciplinary advantages. In 1985, the institution was renamed Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. It became a key university under the "Project 211" in 1997, was transferred to the direct administration of the Ministry of Education as an independent institution in 2000, was included in the "Project 985 Innovative Platform for Advantageous Disciplines" in 2011, and was listed among the first batch of "Double First-Class" universities in 2017. Over the past century, from the banks of the Huangpu River to the Huanhua Stream, from the founding of Kwang Hua University to the entrepreneurial spirit fostered at Liulin, SWUFE has woven a magnificent tapestry of unity, seizing opportunities, innovation, and pursuit of excellence amidst challenges.

With integrity and sincerity, the university is dedicated to practical knowledge for the betterment of society. SWUFE has traversed a century marked by historical vicissitudes, riding the tide of the times. The university has cultivated the spirit of "Diligently striving for the benefit of people and society," established an academic foundation of "openness, inclusiveness, truth-seeking, and innovation," nurtured talents committed to "governing the nation and contributing to society," and forged an educational character of "promoting education for the nation and shouldering ethnic responsibilities." It has contributed a large number of outstanding individuals to the country's economic development and social progress. In the new era, stepping into a new journey, SWUFE remains true to its original aspiration of cultivating virtue and talent, upholding the mission of educating for the Party and nurturing talents for the country. It comprehensively upgrades its "New Finance" strategy, advancing with high quality towards building a world-class university with distinct financial characteristics, making greater contributions to the comprehensive advancement of China's modernization and the nation’s great rejuvenation.

A new chapter unfolds, and a grand celebration awaits. The centennial anniversary is a grand festival for SWUFE. The university will host a series of celebrations for its 100th anniversary adhering to the principles of "simplicity, pragmatism, and brilliance," centered around the theme of "Nation-Building: SWUFE's Responsibility," focusing on the concepts of "University Essence, Historical Richness, A Century of Glory, SWUFE's Strength." Celebrating the glorious journey, we will uphold the essence of higher education, converge wisdom and strength, and jointly plan the university's future. Amidst the mountains and waters of Sichuan, where flowers bloom profusely in the City of Chengdu, we sincerely invite global alumni and eagerly anticipate the presence of distinguished guests from all sectors to join this grand occasion, celebrate this festive period together, reminisce about old ties, and sketch out a grand blueprint!

This announcement is hereby issued with the hope that it reaches all concerned.



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